7 Things Your Phone Company Doesn’t Want You to Know
After years of cleaning up the problems other phone companies leave behind, FlexIP Solutions is revealing these insider secrets so your business can make a better buying decision.
Unlock Phone Company Secrets
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What’s the Big Secret?
Today’s phone companies are not service companies; they’re marketing companies pushing a low-priced recurring revenue service. And, they’re counting on sales volume, not satisfied customers, to pad the bottom line.
After years of cleaning up the problems they leave behind, FlexIP Solutions put together this guide highlighting seven things they don’t want you to know about their services.
We hope it will save you time, money and headaches when it comes to renewing your contract or source a new provider.
This exclusive insider knowledge is available to you in our free guide!
Learn all the things your phone company doesn’t want you to know, including:
No. 1: They oversubscribe and add on services on purpose.
The typical phone company model is built on oversubscription. They don’t investigate your business and what you need or customize seats according to users’ actual job roles and functions. They want you to license recurring services you’re not going to use. Loading you up with more seats and features adds up to huge margins – all at your expense.
Download our guide to learn more!

What Your Phone System Provider Doesn’t Want You to Know
Download Our Free Guide Today!
Unlock Phone Company Secrets
Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.
Looking for a Phone System Provider that Doesn’t Have Any Secrets?
Contact a FlexIP Solutions specialist today!